研究成果 |
主持课题: [1] 福建省自然科学基金:结构稀疏时频分析及其在油气勘探的应用(6万) [2] beat365官方网站高级别科研项目:非平稳地震信号结构化稀疏时频成像理论研究(2万) [3] 福建省中青年教育科研项目:联合模板先验与视觉特征的目标跟踪研究(1万) [4] beat365官方网站校长基金:结构稀疏表示及其在多维信号处理中的应用(4万) [5] 广东省数字信号与图象处理技术重点实验室开放课题:基于凸优化理论的稀疏时频成像方法研究(1万) [6] 福建省中青年教育科研项目:稀疏时频分析算法及其在异常频谱检测的应用(1万) [7] beat365官方网站教改项目:工程教育背景下的《数字图像处理》教学改革(0.6万) 代表论文: [1] Y. Chen, Z. Peng*, Z. Cheng, and L. Tian. Seismic signal time-frequency analysis based on multi-directional window using greedy strategy[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017, 143: 116-128 (SCI/EI) [2] 陈颖频, 彭真明*, 李美惠, 等. 基于交叠组稀疏广义全变分的地震信号随机噪声衰减[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 2019, 54(1), 24-35, 44 (EI核心库收录) [3] Y. Chen, Z. Peng*, G. Ali, J. Yan, S. Li. Seismic signal sparse time-frequency representation by Lp-quasinorm constraint[J]. Digital Signal Processing, 2019, 87: 43-59. (SCI, 中科院分区三区, IF=2.792) [4] Y. Chen, Z. Peng*, M. Li, F. Yu, F. Lin. Seismic signal denoising using total generalized variation with overlapping group sparsity in the accelerated ADMM framework[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2019, 16(1): 30-51. (SCI, IF=1.411) [5] Y. Chen, L. Wu, J. Jin, et al. Four-directional fractional order total variation regularization for image denoising[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017, 26(5), 053003. (SCI, 中科院四区, IF=0.780, 共同一作者) [6] Y. Chen, Z. M. Peng, et al. The optimal fractional Gabor transform based on the adaptive window function and its application[J]. Applied Geophysics, 2013, 10(3): 305-313. (SCI, 中科院四区, IF=0.944) [7] F. Lin, Y. Chen*, et al. Image deblurring under impulse noise via total generalized variation and non-convex shrinkage[J]. Algorithms, 2019, 12(10): 221. (EI,通讯作者) [8] L. Wang, Y.Chen*. Improved sequential vertex colouring algorithm for the TDMA dynamic time slot allocation protocol[J]. Engineering Letter, 2018, 26(3): 348-355. (EI,通讯作者) [9] L. Wang, Y. Chen*, F. Lin, et al. Impulse noise denoising using total variation with overlapping group sparsity and Lp pseudo-norm shrinkage[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(11), 2317. (SCI, 中科院三区, IF=2.217, 通讯作者) [10] F. Lin, Y. Chen, et al. An efficient image reconstruction framework using total variation regularization with Lp-Quasinorm and group gradient sparsity[J]. Information, 2019, 10(3): 115.(EI) [11] H. Wu, Y. Chen, S. Li, et al. Acoustic impedance inversion using Gaussian metropolis–hastings sampling with data driving[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(14): 2744. (SCI,中科院三区,IF=2.707) [12] Y. Zhao, D. Ji, Y. Chen, et al. A new in-line X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography reconstruction algorithm based on adaptive-weighted anisotropic TpV regularization for insufficient data[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2019, 26(4): 1330-1342. (SCI,中科院二区,IF=3.232) [13] X. Liu, Y. Chen, Z. Peng*, et al. Infrared image super-resolution reconstruction based on quaternion fractional order total variation with Lp quasinorm[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(10): 1864. (SCI, 中科院三区, IF= 1.689) [14] M. Li, Z. Peng*, Y. Chen, et al., Locally weighted reverse sparse tracking considering the spatio-temporal relationship of target templates[J]. Neurocomputing, 2019, 323: 319-334. (SCI, 中科院二区, IF=3.126) [15] M. Li, L. Peng, Y. Chen, et al. Mask sparse representation based on semantic features thermal infrared Object Tracking[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(17), 1967. (SCI,中科院二区,IF=4.118) [16] S. Li, Y. He, Y. Chen, et al. Fast multi-trace impedance inversion using anisotropic total p-variation regularization in the frequency domain[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2018, 15(5): 2171-2182. (SCI, 中科院四区, IF=1.411) [17] Y. Du, Y. Chen, G. Meng, et al. Fault severity monitoring of rolling bearings based on texture feature extraction of sparse time–frequency images[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(9): 1538. (SCI, 中科院三区, IF=2.217) [18] 林凡, 程祝媛, 陈颖频, 陈育群, 喻飞. 基于交叠组合稀疏全变分的图像去噪方法[J]. 科学工程与技术, 2018,18(18): 67-73. (中文核心期刊) [19] 许基隆,陈颖频*.一种基于全变分技术和Lp伪范数的椒盐噪声去除方法[J]. 数据采集与处理, 2020, 35(1): 89-99. (CSCD核心,北大核心) [20] 杨晶晶, 吴辉, 陈颖频*.一种基于Lp收缩算子的改进全变分去噪方法[J]. 计算机技术与发展, 2020, 30 (4): 20-25+88. (中文科技核心,已录用) [21] 彭真明, 陈颖频, 蒲恬, 等. 基于稀疏表示及正则约束的图像去噪方法综述[J]. 数据采集与处理, 2018, 33(1): 1-11. (北大中文核心) [22] X. Liu, Y. Chen, et al. Total variation with overlapping group sparsity and Lp quasinorm for infrared image deblurring under salt-and-pepper noise[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2019, 28(4): 043031. (SCI, 中科院四区, IF= 0.924) [23] H. Wu, S. Li, Y. Chen, et al. Seismic impedance inversion using second-order overlapping group sparsity with A-ADMM[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2020, 17(1): 97-116. (SCI, 中科院四区, IF=1.411) [24] X. Liu, Y. Chen, Z. Peng, et al. Infrared image super-resolution reconstruction based on quaternion and high-order overlapping group sparse total variation[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19, 5139. (SCI, 中科院三区, IF=3.031) [25] 杨晶晶, 陈颖频*. 基于二阶全变分与Lp伪范数的图像解模糊研究[J]. 微电子学与计算机, 37(09):18-23. (北大核心,已录用) [26] 陈颖频, 柯素玲, 黄慧滢, 吴日盛, 王灵芝. 基于广义全变分正则项的图像填补技术[J]. 计算机与现代化. (中文科技核心,已录用) [27] 陈育群, 陈颖频. 一种快速交叠组合稀疏全变分图像去噪方法[J]. beat365官方网站学报(自然科学版), 2018, 32(3): 46-51 [28] 陈颖频, 林凡, 喻飞, 王灵芝, 徐国荣, 陈育群. 层次化实验教学在《数字图像处理》教学中的初探[J]. beat365官方网站学报(自然版), 2018, 4:92-97 [29] 陈颖频. 基于递推数列的涂色问题求解[J]. 福建中学数学. (已录用) [30] H Wu, Y. He, Y. Chen, S. Li, & Z. Peng. Seismic acoustic impedance inversion using mixed second-order fractional ATpV regularization[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 3442-3452. (SCI,中科院二区) [31] 林凡, 陈颖频, 陈育群, 等. 基于四方向全变分的快速图像解模糊方法[J]. 长春师范大学学报, 2019 (4): 6. [32] 陈育群, 陈颖频, 林凡, 等. 一种快速的四方向全变分图像去噪方法[J]. beat365官方网站学报 (自然科学版), 2018 (2018 年 03): 26-32. [33] J. Yang, Y. Chen*, Z. Chen. Infrared image deblurring via high-order total variation and Lp-pseudonorm shrinkage[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(4): 2553. (SCI, 中科院三区, IF=2.217, 通讯作者) [34] Y. Chen, Y. He, S. Li, H, Wu. Seismic spectrum decomposition based on sparse time-frequency analysis[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2020, 177, 104031.(SCI/EI) [35] 肖伟煌,陈颖频. 重叠组稀疏广义全变分图像去模糊[J]. 探测与控制学报, 2020, 6 (CSCD核心) [36] 陈育群, 陈颖频*. 基于高阶交叠组稀疏正则项的图像恢复方法研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2020, 33 (北大核心) [37] 程祝媛, 倪婉贞, 陈颖频*. 基于Lp伪范数和高阶OGS全变分的椒盐噪声去除[J]. 图学学报, 2020 (北大核心) [38] Y. Chen, L. Wu, Z. Peng*, and X. Liu. Fast overlapping group sparsity total variation image denoising based on fast Fourier transform and split Bregman iterations[C]. The 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017, 278-282. [39] L. Wu, Y. Chen, H. Du*, et al. Efficient compressed sensing MR image reconstruction using anisotropic overlapping group sparsity total variation[C]. The 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017, 288-293. [40] X. Liu, Y. Chen, Z. Peng*, et al. A Shearlet-TV regularization approach for image denoising in the ADMM framework[C]. The 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017, 283-287. [41] Z. Cheng, Y. Chen, L. Wang, F. Lin, H. Wang, Y. Chen*. Four-directional total variation denoising using fast Fourier transform and ADMM[C]. The third IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, Chongqing, 27-29 June, 2018, 379-383. [42] Y. Chen, S. Li, H. Wu, et al. Matching pursuit based sparse time-frequency analysis for seismic signal[C]. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, 7-10 December, 2018, 1288-1292. [43] S. Li, Y. Chen, H. Wu, et al. Seismic acoustic impedance inversion using total variation with overlapping group sparsity[C]. The SEG International Exposition and 88th Annual Meeting, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Anaheim, 14-17 October, 2018, 411-415.
[44] 陈颖频, 孔俊雅, 余超群, 林晨, 蒋旻佚, 罗崇淼, 虞虹玲. 基于低秩约束的逆向联合稀疏跟踪算法[J]. 探测与控制学报, 2022, 44(6): 23-33(北大中文核心期刊) [45] 虞虹玲,陈颖频*, 许艳萍, 林晨, 蒋旻佚, 罗崇淼, 林耀进. 局部模板更新逆向联合稀疏表示目标跟踪算法[J]. 图学学报, 2022,43(1): 60-69 (北大中文核心期刊) [46] Yingpin Chen*,Yuming Huang, Lingzhi Wang, HuiyingHuang, Jianhua Song, Chaoqun Yu, Yanping Xu. Salt and pepper noise removalmethod based on stationary Framelet transform with non-convex sparsity regularization[J]. IET Image Processing ,2022, 16(7): 1846-1865 (CCF C类论文,JCR Q3区) [47] 李丽惠, 黄育明, 丁灿, 喻飞, 陈颖频*. 卷积视角下抗遮挡相关滤波跟踪方法[J].微电子学与计算机, 2022,39(8), 63-70 [48] Jun Zhang, ZhaoyanLi, Lingzhi Wang, Yingpin Chen*, Jianhua Song. Salt-and-pepperdenoising method for colour images based on tensor low-rank prior and implicitregularization [J]. IET Image Processing, 2022, 17(3):886-900(CCF C类论文,JCR Q3区) [49] 唐毅鋆,陈颖频*, 陈惠,乔嘉琪,陈振雕,李一凡,胡强. 卷积视角下循环矩阵对角化证明新方法及应用[J]. 长春师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023 [50] Yuming Huang,Yingpin Chen,*, Chen Lina, Qiang Hua, Jianhua Song. Visual attention learning and anti-occlusion based correlation filter for visual object tracking[J].Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2023, 32(1): 013023(JCR Q4区) [51] Yingpin Chen, Yuming Huang, Jianhua Song. Robust sparse time-frequency analysisfor data missing scenarios[J]. IET Signal Processing, 2023, 17(1): 1-20(CCF C类论文,JCR Q3区) [52] 黄育明, 戴奕婧, 李丽惠, 陈颖频*. 基于多模态模板池的抗遮挡Staple跟踪算法[J]. 探测与控制学报, 2023,45(2): 99-108+114 (北大中文核心期刊) [53] Qiang Hu, Hongrun Wu,Jiahao Wu, Jinrong Shen, Haorong Hu, Zhendiao Chen, Yingpin Chen*, Lingzhi Wang*,and Hualin Zhang*. Spatio-temporal Self-learning Object Tracking Model Based onAnti-occlusion Mechanism[J]. Engineering Letters, 2023 (JCR Q4区),EI核心期刊数据库,录用)
发明专利: [1] 陈颖频, 林凡, 程祝媛, 李曙, 彭真明, 闫敬文, 陈育群, 喻飞. 一种图像去模糊方法[P]申请号:201810066682.4, 申请日:2018-1-24, 授权公告号:CN108198149B,授权公告日:2019-01-29 [2] 陈颖频, 陈育群, 王灵芝, 林凡, 喻飞. 地震信号随机噪声衰减方法、终端设备及存储介质[P] 申请号:201810487212.5, 申请日:2018-5-21 [3] 陈颖频, 陈育群, 王灵芝, 林凡, 喻飞. 一种地震信号谱分解方法[P] 申请号:201810493125.0, 申请日:2018-5-22, 授权公告号:CN108761530B,授权公告日:2019-10-11 [4] 王灵芝, 陈颖频. 一种基于Lp伪范数与交叠组稀疏的脉冲噪声古籍图像修复方法[P] 申请号:201810620163.8, 申请日: 2018-6-19, 授权公告号: CN109146797B, 授权公告日:2019-10-25 [5] 彭真明, 李美惠, 陈科, 潘翯, 陈颖频, 王晓阳, 孙伟嘉, 任丛雅旭, 卓励然, 蒲恬, 张萍. 一种多模板时空关联的局部反联合稀疏表示目标跟踪方法[P] 申请号: 201710100030.3, 申请日: 2017-02-23 [6] 彭真明, 李曙, 汪春宇, 马淼, 吴昊, 王雨青, 陈颖频, 刘伟, 廖龙, 赵学功, 杨立峰. 一种基于广义全变分正则化的地震反演方法及系统[P] 申请号: 201711194538.0, 申请日: 2017-11-24 [7] 王灵芝, 陈颖频, 柯素玲. 一种图像填补方法、终端设备及存储介质[P] 申请号: 201910329883.3,申请日:2019年4月23日 [8] 陈育群, 陈颖频, 林凡, 喻飞, 王灵芝. 一种基于高阶交叠组稀疏全变分图像恢复方法[P] 申请号: 201910297570.4, 2019年8月8日 [9] 林凡,陈育群,陈颖频,喻飞,一种图像恢复方法[P] 专利证书号:ZL 2018 1 0189573.1, 授权公告号:CN 108416750 B |